We would like to offer you the opportunity of receiving a pair of orthotics
With LOW or NO GAP* Click HERE to book online
If you have private health cover, you may be entitled to receive a pair of fully custom made orthotics either Gap Free (no cost) OR at a reduced rate if your health insurance fails to cover the full cost.
This offer applies to both current patients AND family/friends of current patients, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT CURRENT PATIENTS!
What are orthotics?
They are custom made foot contouring inserts worn in your shoes which are designed to improve foot and leg function and prevent abnormal forces from causing pain and injury.
Why would someone wear orthotics?
Great question – they can be extremely helpful in relieving not just foot and ankle pain, but also pain in the knees, hips and lower back. They can also help improve balance, stability and reduce the likelihood of further injury and falls.
Maybe you already wear orthotics then this is a great opportunity to get another pair at a low cost or no cost at all.*
Or maybe you’ve never worn orthotics but wonder if they might help with a problem you have in your feet or legs.
So whether you would just like another pair of orthotics to save you swapping them from shoe to shoe (or fit in a different style of shoe), OR you would like to see if an orthotic may help improve comfort with everyday walking and chosen activities, then follow the 3 steps below to find out more.
Click HERE to book online.

3 simple steps to Low or No Gap Orthotics in 2024
Step 1
Call Healthy Life Foot Clinic and advise the Podiatry Assistant you have received a “Low or No Gap Orthotic Offer” BURNSIDE 8333 2022 or Woodville 8445 8680.
You can also book online by clicking HERE
Step 2
At your appointment: One of our Podiatrist’s will simply need to complete an updated biomechanical assessment, assess any current orthotics, examine your footwear, check any current problems, review any exercise program & your gait/walking pattern and discuss any recent changes to your lifestyle
They will then take a 3-Dimensional digital scan of your feet.
Step 3
Your Podiatrist will design your new orthotics and complete the custom prescription form and email this with the 3-D digital scans to our laboratory
Our laboratory will manufacture your orthotics using the very latest 3-D printing technology and have them ready for fitting within 14 days.
* To qualify for this offer, you’ll need private health cover that includes Podiatry & Orthotic Therapy. Most health funds only allow one pair of orthotics per calendar year.
As all funds are different, we will issue a full quotation for your new orthotics following your updated assessment and scans. This will enable you to check your coverage with your health fund in advance, to ensure you are covered for orthotic therapy.
If not covered by your health fund, you will be responsible for full payment. Any decision to proceed with orthotic manufacture may require a deposit if no health insurance coverage is available.
Your Health Fund will need to pay a minimum rebate which will be determined and quoted following the updated assessment. There will be NO obligation to proceed with any orthotic purchase following the updated assessment and consultation.
Most health fund rebates expire at the end of the year so if you think this offer may help, don’t let your rebate go to waste.
Note: To use your health fund benefits for 2024, Call ASAP to make an appointment.
This offer ends Friday 22nd November 2024.
To make an appointment:
Call Healthy Life Foot Clinic (BURNSIDE 8333 2022 or WOODVILLE 8445 8680) and advise the Podiatry Assistant you have received a “Low or No Gap Orthotic Offer” OR,
Click HERE to book online (under “Appointment Type”, select “Orthotic Offer”)